Auburn, NY - District Attorney Brittany Grome Antonacci announced today that more than $103,000 in restitution has been collected this past year through the Crimes Against Revenue Grant Program. The New York State Crimes Against Revenue Program (CARP) is designed to hold accountable those who deliberately fail to pay tax obligations, as well as those who commit Medicaid, welfare, unemployment and workers' compensation fraud.
In a multi-faceted approach, the Cayuga County District Attorney’s Office, Department of Social Services (DSS), and the Department of Tax and Finance, work together under the CARP Program to combat financial crimes which wrongfully deprive New York State of funds to which it is otherwise due.
In 2023, the total restitution ordered by courts in Cayuga County was approximately $466,232.15 and the total projected savings from disqualifications for Department of Social Services cases was $144,462.00.
To report suspected fraud, call the anonymous tip line at 315-253-1313 or submit an online fraud report to the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (form located at ). You may also contact the District Attorney’s Office at 315-253-1391.
Examples of welfare fraud include:
Not reporting correct wages, bank accounts, real estate or other income
Not reporting individuals living in a household
Falsely reporting residence status
Submitting false documents
Submitting false documents and/or claims for services
Using someone else’s benefit card to obtain services, benefits or treatment.