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Additional Traffic Reduction Information

Anyone charged with an unclassified misdemeanor or violation of VTL Section 1192, 1198, or 511 are not eligible for a reduction online. You must appear in Court and /or speak with your attorney.

You must enter all of your traffic tickets in the course, along with an attorney’s contact information, if applicable.


DISCLAIMER: If you have any questions about traffic matters, please contact Investigator Dan Emmi at Prior to contacting our office, please review our traffic policy. 

Traffic Tickets

If you have any questions about traffic matters, please contact Investigator Dan Emmi at Prior to contacting our office, please review our Traffic Policy

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to complete the Advent Traffic Safety Course?

Approximately 30 minutes


How much does the course cost?



How do I disclose I have an attorney?

Put the Attorney’s email address in the attorney email address section and be sure to put your own personal email in the student email address section as well.


Can I list more than one charge in Advent?

Yes, as long as the citations are a result of the initial traffic stop.       


How long before I will receive a reduction on the charge(s)?

You should receive an email from Advent Titled 'Advent Plea Reduction' within 14 days. If you do not receive anything from Advent you can email Dan Emmi at or call 315-294-8013.


Do you I have to go to court after taking the Advent Traffic Safety Course?

No, the District Attorney’s Recommendation will be emailed to you from Advent, under the title “Advent Plea Reduction”.  If the plea recommendation is acceptable to you, sign the plea reduction recommendation form and return it to the Court listed on the ticket.  The court will notify you if there is a fine associated with plea reduction. Once the fine is paid to the court, the traffic matter will be resolved. 


Do Not mail the recommendation to the District Attorney's Office.


Will the course cover multiple tickets?

Yes, but only if the other tickets were issued at the same time as the original stop.  If you received additional tickets from another traffic stop, then you will need to take another Traffic Safety Course for those tickets as well. 

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