Wellfare Fraud
Have a welfare fraud tip? Or welfare fraud question?
Contact Peter Small, 315-294-8019 psmall@cayugacounty.us
Potentially Fraudulent Welfare Situations That Can Be Reported
Unreported Income (either earned or unearned)
Please give the employer's name and address, type of income, when it started, how often paid, etc.
Hidden Assets (bank accounts, property, etc.)
Please give the bank's name and address, street address and city of property, etc.
Unreported Changes in Household Composition (either someone moved into or out of the home)
Please give the name of the individual who moved in/out, when the move took place, relationship of individual to case, approximate age of individual.
Unreported Changes in Shelter Costs/Falsified Shelter Costs
Please explain what changed or what was falsified, including landlord information and address.
False Parental Custody
Please give the name/approximate age of the child and address where the child is actually living.
SNAP Trafficking (Selling EBT cards for money, drugs, etc.)
Please give the name and address of the store or individual who buys the EBT card.