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Wellfare Fraud

Have a welfare fraud tip? Or welfare fraud question?


Contact Peter Small, 315-294-8019

Potentially Fraudulent Welfare Situations That Can Be Reported

  • Unreported Income (either earned or unearned)

    • Please give the employer's name and address, type of income, when it started, how often paid, etc.

  • Hidden Assets (bank accounts, property, etc.)

    • Please give the bank's name and address, street address and city of property, etc.

  • Unreported Changes in Household Composition (either someone moved into or out of the home)

    • Please give the name of the individual who moved in/out, when the move took place, relationship of individual to case, approximate age of individual.

  • Unreported Changes in Shelter Costs/Falsified Shelter Costs

    • Please explain what changed or what was falsified, including landlord information and address.

  • False Parental Custody

    • Please give the name/approximate age of the child and address where the child is actually living.

  • SNAP Trafficking (Selling EBT cards for money, drugs, etc.)

    • Please give the name and address of the store or individual who buys the EBT card.

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